Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 87

"Just as the consultation of the ages and centuries that mankind has practiced by means of history, a `conjunction of ideas' or `meeting of minds', formed the basis of the progress and sciences of all mankind, so too one reason for the backwardness of Asia, the largest continent, was the failure to practise that true consultation. The key and discloser of the continent of Asia and its future is mutual consultation. That is to say, just as individuals should consult with one another, so must nations and continents also practise consultation..”
As regards Freedom, as is clear from the Address to Freedom, it could only be the source of progress if the Seriat was taken as the basis of it. It did not consist of absolute freedom or license. While technology and industry could be imported from Europe, which in any case were not the property of the West, the Ottomans stood in no need of their culture, morals, and "the evils of civilization".
"I declare with all my strength," said Bediuzzaman, "that our progress will only occur through the progress of Islam, which is our nationality, and through the manifestation of the truths of the Seriat. Otherwise we shall confirm the saying, `he abandoned his own way of walking, and did not learn anyone else's. "'
Bediuzzaman defined Freedom as follows:
"Delicate Freedom is instructed and adorned by the good manners of the Seriat. Freedom to be dissolute and behave scandalously is not Freedom. Rather, it is animality. It is the tyranny of the Devil. It is to be the slave of the evil-commanding soul. General Freedom is the product of the portions of individual Freedom. The characteristic of Freedom is that one harms neither oneself, nor others."
"Freedom is this: apart from the law of justice and punishment, no one can dominate over anyone else. Everybody's rights are protected. In their legitimate actions, everyone is royally free. The prohibition: `Take not one from among yourselves as Lord over

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