Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 86

situations that arise during the constitutional period to have arisen from constitutionalism. And what is there that conforms to the Seriat in every respect...?"
Thus, Bediuzzaman's approach can be seen to be realistic. While in essence constitutionalism did not differ from Islamic principles, the extremely difficult circumstances of the time demanded a measured and balanced approach. It was a question of "making constitutionalism conform to the Seriat meticulously and in a balanced manner taking into account what is required."
As for consultation, which, as is shown above, is enjoined by Islam, Bediuzzaman frequently stressed it as a constituent of constitutionalism. He described it as "the key to the good fortune, felicity, and sovereignty of Islam." Because, due to the nature of constitutionalism, consultation is practiced in all areas of the state and society. "Yes, this is the time of constitutionalism; consultation rules in everything." That is to say, when constitutionalism is adopted by a government, it spreads throughout the state and manifests itself as consultation, the supremacy of public opinion and consensus. These and their accompanying unity, co-operation, and brotherhood are fundamental to progress:
"When constitutionalism falls to the lot of a government, the idea of freedom awakens constitutionalism in every respect. It gives birth to a sort of constitutionalism in every area and walk of life, according to the calling of each. It results in a sort of constitutionalism among the ulema, in the medreses, and among the students. Indeed, it inspires a particular constitutionalism and renewal in all walks of life. It is flashes of consultation, then, hinting of the sun of happiness, and inspiring desire, mutual attraction, and harmony, that have caused me to love the Constitutional Government so much..."
Bediuzzaman also describes scientific progress in terms of `historical consultation', and stresses its importance:

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