Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 273

his share from each Truth, because in each, the gaze is turned towards beings, works. Each says: `There are well-ordered acts in these, and a well-ordered act cannot be without an author. In which case it has an author. And since that act has been carried out with order and balance, its author must be wise and just. Since he is wise, he does nothing in vain. And since he acts with justice, he does not permit rights to be violated. There will therefore be a great gathering, a supreme tribunal.' The Truths have been tackled in this way. They are succinct, and thus prove the three things at once.
At the end of the Conclusion of the Tenth Word itself, this is enlarged upon. Bediuzzaman explains that the proofs for resurrection rest on Divine works in the universe which proceed from the manifestation of the Greatest Divine Name and the greatest degree of manifestation of the other Names and are therefore vast and immense. He writes:
"Since the Resurrection and Great Gathering occur through the manifestation of the Greatest Name, they are to be proved as easily as the spring, and submitted to with certainty, and believed in firmly, through seeing and demonstrating the immense acts which are apparent through the manifestation of God Almighty's Greatest Name and the greatest degree of all His Names."
Thus, Bediuzzaman explains that it is because of this great breadth and profundity that the matter of resurrection is difficult to comprehend rationally. But he adds that thanks should be offered that the way had been shown by the Qur’an where man's reason on its own had remained impotent. For readers who wish to see an example of this, included as the first Addendum to this work is the Ninth of the Twelve `Truths', which Bediuzzaman described as the "summary" of the work.

• Life in Barla

Barla's spring and summer rains are famous. The sunny skies suddenly cloud over, the thunder crashes, the lightening flashes, and the heavens open. Then the air is filled with the sweet smell of the soaked earth.

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