Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 276

is nothing but glorifies Him with praise.”
"My Dear Brothers!
"I am now on a high peak on the Pine Mountain, at the top of a mighty pine tree in a tree-house. In lonely solitude far from men, I have grown accustomed to this desolation. When I wish for conversation with men, I imagine you to be here with me, and I talk with you and find consolation. If there is nothing to prevent it, I would like to remain alone here for one or two months. If I return to Barla, I shall search for some means for the verbal conversation with you I so long for, if you would like it. For now I am writing two or three things which come to mind here in this pine tree.
"The First: this is somewhat confidential, but no secrets are concealed from you. It is thus:
"Some of the people of truth manifest the the Divine Name of Loving One, and through that manifestation at a maximum degree look to the Necessarily Existent One through the windows of beings. In the same way, but just when he is employed in service of the Qur'an and is the herald of its infinite treasuries, this brother of yours who is nothing, but nothing, has been given a state that is the means to manifesting the Divine Names of All - Compassionate and All-Wise. God willing, The Words manifest the meaning of the verse: He who has been given wisdom, has been given great good.
"The Second: This saying concerning the Naksibendi tarikat suddenly occurred to me: "On the Naksibendi way, one must abandon four things: the world, the hereafter, existence, and abandoning itself." Together with it, the following arose in my mind:
"On the way of impotence four things are necessary: absolute poverty, absolute impotence, absolute thanks, and absolute ardour,

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