Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 324

Nur, have a warmth and directness which address all who read them, concern mostly the aims, purpose, and way of the Risale-i Nur and the position its students should take in the face of the political and social conditions of the time. They stress the caution they should practice in the face of their numerous enemies. And stress also the importance of obtaining sincerity and selflessness in their task of serving the Qur'an so as to be able to form strong bonds of brotherhood with their fellows and develop the `collective personality' necessary to combat the joint attacks of those who were inimical to Islam. Many of the letters also describe the importance of the role the Risale-i Nur and its Students had to play, and also the great blessings and benefits associated with it. Bediuzzaman often expresses his gratitude for the students who had been drawn to the Risale-i Nur and their self sacrificing service; it was a major source of consolation for him in the face of the oppressive conditions under which he had to live and work. Before examining some of the letters concerning the Risale-i Nur, included here are one or two examples illustrating this:
"My Dear and Loyal Blessed Brothers and Sincere, Vigorous, and Renowned Comrades in the Service of the Qur'an and Belief!
"I offer endless thanks and praise to Almighty God that He has affirmed the hopes expressed in the Treatise for the Elderly and proved true the claims in the treatise containing my defence speeches. Yes... He has bestowed on the Risale-i Nur through you thirty Abdurrahmans who are the equivalent of thirty thousand, rather, He has bestowed one hundred and thirty or one thousand one hundred and thirty Abdurrahmans....." And another example:
"My Dear and Absolutely Loyal Brothers!
"You are my consolation and means of joy in this world. If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have been able to endure these four years of torment. Your persistence and fortitude have afforded me a powerful patience and endurance..." And again:
"My Dear and Loyal Brothers!
"I was happier at your letters than I can describe. Especially

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