Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 325

Husrev's two most valuable letters, that the Risale-i Nur is spreading in extraordinary fashion in Haci Hafiz’s village - they have been kept like copies of the Risale-i Nur and clear proofs, and are being shown to the Risale-i Nur Students in this area as a spur and encouragement..."

• The Way of the Risale-i Nur and its Function

Bediuzzaman wrote to his students that the Risale-i Nur's function was to save and strengthen belief in the face of the severe and combined attacks against it at the present time. In addition to the attacks against Islam and belief carried out by the new regime and its supporters, which have been briefly described in the preceding chapters, Bediuzzaman explained also that what was being suffered at that time was the accumulated objections and doubts levelled against belief and the Qur'an by the European [Western] philosophers over a period of some thousand years. Their aim was to shake the pillars of belief, which are the foundation and key of eternal life and and everlasting happiness. Thus, what was essential .was to strengthen belief and transform it from “imitative belief” into “certain belief”. In one letter he described the enormity of the Risale-i Nur's role like this:
"The Risale-i Nur is not only repairing some minor damage or some small house; it is repairing vast damage and the all-embracing citadel which contains Islam, the stones of which are the size of mountains. And it is not striving to reform only a private heart and an individual conscience; it is striving to cure with the medicines of the Qur'an and belief and the Qur'an's miraculousness the collective heart and generally-held ideas, which have been breached in awesome fashion by the tools of corruption prepared and stored up over a thousand years, and the general conscience, which is facing corruption through the destruction of the foundations, currents, and marks of Islam which are the refuge of all and particularly the mass

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