Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 336

students.... "
In stressing the paramount importance of belief and its strengthening Bediuzzaman writes in another letter that it is not possible to change all these matters together at this time, and so that even if the Mehdi was to come now, he would concentrate on the question of belief:
"At this time there are currents so overwhelming that they draw everything to their own account. So even if the true awaited person, who will come next century, were to come now, my conjecture is that he would forego the situation in the political world and change his goal so as not to let his movement be carried away on those currents.
"Also, there are three matters: one is life, another is the Seriat, and another is belief. In the view of reality, the most important and the greatest is the question of belief. But in the view of most people at this time, compelled b the world situation, the most important appear to be life and the Seriat. And so, even if he was to come now, since to change these three matters alto ether throughout the world is not in keeping with the Divine laws in for e in human kind, he would surely take the greatest matter as the basis, and not the others, so that the service of belief would not spoil its purity in the general view and so that he would not let that service be the tool for other aims in the minds of ordinary people, who are easily deceived..."
Thus, it is in this perspective that Bediuzzaman establishes the Risale-i Nur's primary function of renewing and strengthening belief, and it is with this view in mind that he guides his students in its service. For the sake of completeness, included at this point are examples of letters illustrating some of the main points Bediuzzaman made in advising his students in this service. Firstly are examples of those mentioned above, advising them to disregard political and worldly matters. These are followed by examples of some of those warning the students to be above all cautious and circumspect in the face of the plots and intrigues hatched against them by their many enemies. And finally are examples of letters guiding them towards developing complete sincerity (ihlas) in their service and selflessness

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