Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 338

are the cause of difference and disunity among even the religious. Some religious scholars, for example, give only secondary, or less, importance to matters of belief because of those political and social matters and love an enemy of religion who shares the same view, and at the same time nurture enmity for those following the Sufi path who oppose them. Thus, Bediuzzaman himself completely disregarded current events at that time "in the face of this fearsome danger of this age", and he urged his students not to allow the chess-games of tyrants to distract them from their sacred duty, nor let them taint their minds.
The prevailing note in many of these letters is one of encouragement, even cajoling. Bediuzzaman frequently points out the great profit and benefits that the Risale-i Nur had brought with the new and direct way it had opened up in gaining `certain belief, and urges his students to be steadfast and unwavering in their service of it. For the Risale-i Nur movement was still hardly established and the students met with considerable opposition from both the hocas and religious scholars, and from the Sufis and followers of the tarikats, who saw the movement in terms of rivalry, as well as from the enemies of religion. It is in this light that Bediuzzaman's frequently pointing out the special instances of Divine Favour associated with the Risale-i Nur should be seen. This hostility was on occasion fanned and exploited by the enemies of religion. Thus, Bediuzzaman always urged his students to act tolerantly and peaceably towards followers of other paths and to return any criticism or aggression with good will, above all not allowing political differences cause disunity and thus aid irreligion. Religion should be adhered to as the point of unity:
"Beware! Don't let worldly currents, and particularly political currents, and currents which look to outside the country sow discord among you. Don't let the parties of misguidance unified before you cast you into confusion. Don't let the satanic principle of `love for the sake of politics, enmity for the sake of politics' take the place of the principle of the Most Merciful , `Love for God's sake; enmity for God's sake'. Don't agree to the tyranny of displaying hatred for your brother and love and support for a satanic political colleague, and so

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