Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 356

Bediuzzaman was summoned by the Govemor of Ankara, Nevzat Tandogan. There followed an incident which if it had not been for the appalling disrespect shown to Bediuzzaman, would have been quite simply ludicrous. This unhappy man, who was one of the notables of the Republican People's Party and for seventeen years was Govemor of Ankara, had summoned Bediuzzaman in order to force him to take off his turban and put on the `official' peaked cap. Needless to say, he was not successful. Bediuzzaman told him: "This turban only comes off with this head!" In addition to the gendarme officer, who noted that Bediuzzaman came out of the Governor’s office carrying a peaked cap, the incident was witnessed by Bediuzzaman's student from Inebolu, Selahaddin Çelebi, who had been arrested in Ankara some days previously, and was taken after Bediuzzaman to the Government Building. He described it like this:
"It was a hot day towards the end of Ramazan. I was at the door of Nevzat Bey's office. The officials brought Bediuzzaman and went into the Governor’s office together. Then the officials came out and the door was closed. The sound of angry voices came from inside. Then a bell rang and a servant went in and then came out again. At that point, Bediuzzaman said angrily to Tandogan: `I represent your forefathers. I live in seclusion. The dress laws may not be enforced against those living in isolation. I don't go out. You brought me out by force. I hope you pay for it!' The servant then returned carrying a twenty-five kurus peaked cap and went into the Governor's office."
According to one account the Govemor himself actually physically put this cap on Bediuzzaman's head, and according to another, he tried to, but could not. In any event, some three years later he came to a sorry end, by committing suicide by putting a bullet through his own head. Bediuzzaman was then taken to the station and put on the train for Isparta. Govemor Tandogan however did not give up at this point and went also to the station together with some police with the intention of `catching Bediuzzaman red-handed'. But the moment they were going to seize him, Bediuzzaman whipped off his turban and climbed into the

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