Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 354

the south. He is reported to have told the police there:
"Tell that Midhat [the Governor of Kastamonu) to send my defence speeches in both the new and old writing on after me!"
This, reported by Selahaddin Çelebi, referred to Bediuzzaman’s defence from Eskisehir Court which Bediuzzaman had given to the officials and police while they had been searching his house for the Fifth Ray and other treatises.
Also present in the bus was an official from Inebolu called Ziya Dilek, who was also•later arrested and sent to Denizli. His account of the journey was recorded by Necmeddin Sahiner:
"I had got on the bus to go to my and gendarmes at Olukbasi [where the police station was  and space for three people cleared at the back. They put Bediuzzaman Hoca Efendi there. When the bus moved off Hoca Efendi felt unwell; he was seventy years old and ill. He said: "Since they consider me to be a political prisoner, I should be sent by a private taxi." Whereupon a soldier sitting next to me got up and offered his seat to the Hoca, and so they changed places. I was very scared and could not do anything to help him. When he sat down beside me he asked me my name. On my saying Ziya Dilek, he said. `Are you our Ziya? Did you come to see me off on behalf of the people of Kastamonu?’ Turning to the policeman Safvet behind him who had brought him, he said, Safvet Where in the Qur'an was I reading when you raided my house?' And asking for a piece of paper, got me to write down the verse, So bear in patience the command of your Sustainer for you are in Our sight, and offer praise and glory..... Then saying, `Wasn't I reading this verse?', he showed it to Safvet and the others. Then he said to me:
" `Ziya, tell your friends not to worry. We won't be convicted. They'll either make a truce or a reconciliation.' He was sending through me greetings and the good news to his friends who had been arrested. But I was not going there and I had not been arrested.

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