Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 351

the fruit from, since he very often got something from there on his way. The wretch had evidently been persuaded by the agents who followed Bediuzzaman wherever he went to give him pieces they had injected with poison. Mehmed Feyzi had taken the horse Bediuzzaman had been riding, which had made its own way back to the town when he was overcome by the effect of the poison, back up the mountain and brought Bediuzzaman back on it. Bediuzzaman was ill for some time following this, which occurred shortly before the final events before his arrest, and another attempt to poison him. This time it was certified by the doctor who attended him .
In early August, 1943, a Risale-i Nur Student who was active in the area of Denizli was arrested along with several others. He had been informed on by the local Mufti as a result of which extensive searches were carried out in the area and hand-written copies of the Risale-i Nur, including the Fifth Ray, were seized . As with the Eskisehir affair, the matter was taken up by Ankara and blown up out of all proportion. President Ismet Inönü, Prime Minister Sükrü Saraçoglu, and Education Minister Hasan Ali Yücel were directly concerned. Instructions were sent to Isparta and Kastamonu in particular, and the houses of numerous Risale-i Nur Students searched. Then the arrests started in Isparta.

• Bediuzzaman is Arrested

Meanwhile Bediuzzaman's house in Kastamonu was searched three times in succession. When after the first time they were unable to find what they were searching for, the Fifth Ray, they determined to do away with Bediuzzaman and succeeded in poisoning him a further time. This was verified by a doctor and when seriously ill with the effects of it and running a temperature of over 40o, his house was searched a second time. This coincided with the start of Ramazan, which in 1943 began on 2 September. This was followed by a third and most rigorous search directed by a number of high-ranking police and officials. On this occasion they found some parts of the Risale-i Nur hidden in a strong-box under the coal and fire-wood. They included the Fifth Ray, the collection called The

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