Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 349

the parts of Lem'alar (The Flashes) subsequent to the Fifteenth Flash - the Fifteenth Flash forms the Index for all the Words, Letters, and the First to the Fourteenth Flashes - was also written at this time by some of Bediuzzaman's students in Isparta. There followed after 1940 a period of cessation as far as writing new works was concerned.
As the Risale-i Nur spread and became established Bediuzzaman had some of its parts gathered together in the form of collections, and some of these he had typed out in the new letters. This was in 1942 and 1943. One was a collection of four pieces for the High School boys . Abdullah Yegin mentions above their writing out pieces in the new, Latin, script. There were other collections for which he suggested various titles, including what was later published as A Guide For Youth, and another called The Ratifying Stamp of the Unseen.' Bediuzzaman also brought together other pieces on the resurrection of the dead to be included as addenda to the Tenth Word. So too in 1943 Tahiri Mutlu, from the village of Atabey near Isparta, had The Supreme Sign published in Istanbul. Although it was only during Bediuzzaman's Kastamonu years that he had come to know the Risale-i Nur, Tahiri Mutlu was to be one of its most important students. It was also through his enterprise that hand-written copies of the Hizbü'I-Kur'an and Hizbü'I-Nuri were printed photographically at this time. Also in 1943, the Fifth Ray concerning Hadiths about the signs of the end of the world and resurrection and the fearsome individuals or Antichrists who were to appear at the end of time, began to be sought after. The final draft of this treatise had been made in 1938 from a first draft made while Bediuzzaman was a member of the Darü’l-Hikmet from pieces some of which were taken from Muhakemat, published in I909. This Fifth Ray was to be the main cause of his, and a number of his students' arrest in August of 1943 and their second sojourn in prison.

No Voice