Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 352

Ratifying Stamp of the Unseen, the treatise on Islamic dress for women which had been the pretext of Bediuzzaman being convicted by Eskisehir Court, and another called Hücumat-i Sitte. Bediuzzaman was then arrested and held in Kastamonu police station for some two to three weeks.
In the spring of that year Bediuzzaman had had a premonition that he would not remain much longer in Kastamonu. He told this to the school boy Abdullah Yegin before he went away for the long summer holiday. And Abdullah Yegin returned to see Bediuzzaman being driven away by the police. He described it like this:
"It was in the spring of 1943. It was going to be the school holidays and we went to visit him again. I'll never forget these words he said to us after giving us lengthy instruction on matters to do with belief and morality:
" `My brothers! For a long time I've never stayed more than eight years in one place. It's now eight years since I came here, so this year I'll either die or go somewhere else. Perhaps we won't meet again. A time will come when there will be Risale-i Nur Students everywhere. Don't part from one another or from the Risâle-i Nur.'
"His speaking in this way affected me greatly and I was very upset. When he saw this, he said:
" `Don't worry. We'll meet again, God willing.'
"Three months later the holidays came to an end and we returned to Kastamonu from Araç. I wanted to go and visit him. Then he warned Çayci Emin Bey, `They are following me. Don't let anyone come.' For this reason we could not go to him.
"Then one day we were in the playground of Kastamonu High School for the break. They were taking him in a light open carriage along the street. He had a wicker-work basket, a tea-pot, ewer, and a few possessions with him. Then the carriage stopped and they got out. There were a gendarme sergeant and a few policemen with him. A crowd gathered. He was wearing a black turban and a long gown, also black. It was impossible to go out dressed in such clothes at that

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