The Rays | The Second Ray | 46


[A brief allusion to the other pillars of belief, within the mystery of the affirmation of Divine unity.]

Heedless man! Come now and consider if only once the three Fruits, Necessitating Causes, and Proofs in the three Stations of this treatise: is it at all possible, since the All-Powerful, Wise, Compassionate, and Knowing Maker Who has disposal over the universe takes into account the smallest cure and least thanks; does not refer to others nor is indifferent towards the tiniest art, such as that of a fly’s wing; attaches to the lowliest common seed duties and instances of wisdom as great as a tree; and makes perceived His mercifulness, compassionateness, and wisdom through all His arts, and Himself known through every means and loved through every bounty — is it at all possible that He should be indifferent towards the virtues of the Muhammadan (PBUH) reality and his glorifications, and the lights of Islam?

Is it at all possible that the Messengership of Muhammad (PBUH), which gilds all creatures and fills them with joy, illuminates the universe and brings the heavens and earth to tumult, and has for fourteen centuries taken under its rule, physical and spiritual, half the globe and a fifth of mankind, and has perpetuated that glorious rule on account of the Creator of the universe and in His Name — is it at all possible that his Messengership is not one of the Maker’s most important aims, lights, and mirrors; and that the other prophets, who served the same truths as Muhammad (PBUH), should not also have been that Maker’s envoys, friends, and officials? God forbid, to the number of the prophets’ miracles!

And is it at all possible that the Wise and Compassionate Creator Who attaches a hundred purposes and fruits to the least significant thing like a branch or twig, and through His wisdom and

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