The Rays | The Second Ray | 49

Arranger, Disposer, and Nurturer, as well as dominical wisdom, require that the creation of things in this world is gradual and in the course of time. In the hereafter, however, power and mercy will be manifested more than wisdom, and there being no need for matter, time, and waiting, things will be made instantaneously. Alluding to the fact that things which are made here in a day or in a year will be made in the hereafter in an instant or a flash, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition states:

The command of the Hour will be like the glance of the eye, or briefer.20

If you want to be as certain about the occurrence of the resurrection of the dead as you are about the arrival of next spring, study the Tenth and Twenty-Ninth Words carefully, which are about this, and you will see! If you do not then believe that it will occur as you believe the coming of spring, come and stick your finger in my eye!

A FOURTH MATTER: The death of the world and Doomsday. The sudden collision with this globe, our guest-house, at a dominical command, of a planet or comet, could wipe out this dwelling-place of ours. Like the destruction in a minute of a palace the building of which had taken ten years.

The above summaries of the four matters of the resurrection are sufficient for now, and we return to our main subject.

Also, is it at all possible that the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which is the eloquent interpreter of all the universe’s elevated truths, the miraculous tongue of all the perfections of the universe’s Creator and the wondrous collection of all His aims, should not be that Creator’s word? God forbid, to the number of the mysteries of its verses.

Also, is it at all possible that the All-Wise Maker should cause his living and conscious creatures to speak with one another in all their myriad tongues, and that He should know their voices and what they say, and listen to them and clearly reply through His acts and bounties, but Himself not speak or not be able to speak? Is there

No Voice