The Rays | The Second Ray | 50

any possibility or probability of this? Since self-evidently He speaks and the chief of those addressed by His speech, who comprehends it perfectly, is man; more certainly, foremost the Qur’an and all well-known holy scriptures are His speech.

Also, is it at all possible that the All-Wise Maker, Who made the universe a means of making Himself known, loved, and praised; and through His multifarious bounties makes living creatures happy and contented, and their thanks and gratitude a significant pivot of His dominicality; and made the vast universe together with all its elements and realms, a docile servant, a dwelling-place, an exhibition, and banquet; and so wanted to multiply the thousands of all the different sorts of animate beings, that He made some of the leaves of trees that do not bear fruit like the poplar and elm both the cradle, and the womb, and the foodstore for the living creatures that perform their glorifications in the air, that is, for a regiment of flies; —is it at all possible that having done all this he should leave empty, purposeless, and without owner, life, spirit, or inhabitants the adorned heavens and light-scattering stars; that is, that He should leave them without angels and spirit beings? God forbid, to the number of angels and spirit beings!

Also, is it at all possible that the All-Wise Maker, the Disposer, should write with the pen of His determining in the seeds and fruits of the commonest plant and smallest tree their origins and ends and the courses of their lives within a perfect order, and that He should write with perfect order and differentiation the origins and results of the vast spring as though it was a tree, and not remain indifferent to the least signficant things, then not record the actions and deeds of man, which have great importance, since he is the result of the universe, God’s vicegerent on earth, the supervisor of all the realms of beings and their officer; that He should not include them within His determining or be unconcerned with them? God forbid, to the number of the deeds of man, all of which will be weighed up on the scales!

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