The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 79

therefore felt and perceived through the insight of belief that through the eternal existence of the Enduring One of Perfection, foremost the Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and his Family and Companions, and all my masters and those I love, the prophets, saints, and purified scholars, and all my other innumerable friends, had been saved from eternal extinction and would experience eternal happiness. I understood through the mystery of relations, bonds, brotherhood, and friendship that their happiness was reflected in me and made me happy.

Also, through the insight of belief, I was saved from endless sorrows arising from love of my fellow men and love for relatives, and felt a boundless spiritual pleasure. For I felt and perceived through the insight of belief that foremost my parents and all my blood relatives and relatives of the spirit, for whom by nature I desired to sacrifice my life and immortality, and would proudly do so, were saved through the eternal existence of the Truly Enduring One from annihilation, non-existence, eternal annihilation, and endless pains, and would receive His infinite mercy. I felt and perceived that an infinite mercy was protecting and supervising them in place of my insignificant, ineffective compassion, which produces sorrow and pain. Like a mother takes pleasure at the ease, comfort, and enjoyment of her child, I felt pleasure and joy at the salvation and ease of all those persons for whom I had compassion under the protection of that mercy, and I offered profound thanks.

Also, through the insight of belief, and through its connection, I knew and felt that the Risale-i Nur, which was the result of my life, means of my happiness, and my natural duty, was saved from being lost and without benefit and from annihilation and losing its meaning, and that it was fruitful and enduring; I had the conviction that this was so and I experienced a pleasure of the spirit far exceeding the pleasure at my own immortality. For I believed that through the Enduring One of Perfection’s eternal existence, the Risale-i Nur was not only inscribed in the hearts and memories of people, but was studied by innumerable sentient creatures and spirit beings, and in addition, receiving God’s pleasure, was inscribed on the Preserved Tablet, and guarded records, and adorned with fruits of reward. I knew that in particular its being connected with the Qur’an, and its acceptance by the Prophet (PBUH), and —God willing— being the object of Divine pleasure, one moment of its

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