The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 80

existence and being under the dominical view was far more valuable than the appreciation of all the people of this world.

Thus, I realized that I am ever-ready to sacrifice my life and immortality for the immortality, continuance, statement, and acceptance of each of those treatises, which prove the truths of belief, and that my happiness lies in their serving the Qur’an. In this way I understood through the connection of belief that through Divine immortality, they are the object of appreciation a hundred times greater than the appreciation of men. I exclaimed with all my strength: “For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs!”

Also, through the insight of belief I knew that belief in the eternal existence of the Enduring One of Glory, Who bestows everlasting immortality and perpetual life, and the results of belief like good works, are the everlasting fruits of this fleeting life and the means to unending immortality. I persuaded my soul to leave aside the shell of this worldly immortality in order to yield those enduring fruits, like a seed leaves aside its casing in order to be transformed into a fruit-bearing tree. Together with my soul I said: “For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs! For us His eternal existence is sufficient!”

Also, through the insight of belief and relation of worship I knew with ‘the knowledge of certainty’ that what lies beyond the screen of the earth was lit up and that the heavy layer of earth was lifted from the dead, and that under the ground, which was entered by the door of the grave, was not dark and stained with non-existence. With all my strength I exclaimed:“For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs!”

I had the firm conviction and through the insight of belief knew with ‘absolute certainty’ that while the intense desire for immortality looked in two respects to the eternal existence of the Enduring One of Perfection, I had become someone stunned and bewildered who had lost his beloved on his ego veiling him and begun to worship the mirror itself. That very deep, powerful desire for immortality governed in my essential being by means of the shadow of one of the Names of the Absolute Perfection, Who is loved and worshipped for Himself and no other reason, and Whom it is

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