The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 85

He had also given me certain, verified belief, through which the bounty of existence may encompass this world and the hereafter.

He had also given me the knowledge and love of God within belief. Through this He bestowed a rank through the bounty of existence at which one may stretch out the hands to reap benefits, through praise and laudation, at all the levels from the sphere of contingency to the Necessary World and realm of the Divine Names.

He had also given me in particular knowledge of the Qur’an and the wisdom of belief, through which bounty He had bestowed on me a superiority over many creatures.

He had also given me comprehensive abilities like the above-mentioned whereby I might be a complete mirror to His oneness and Eternal Besoughtedness, and respond with universal worship to His universal, sacred dominicality.

And as unanimously confirmed by all the holy scriptures and books He had revealed to men by means of the prophets, and attested by all the prophets, saints, and purified ones, He buys from me my existence, life, and self —as stated by verses of the Qur’an— which are gifts and in trust to me, so that they will not be lost and go for nothing. He has repeatedly and categorically promised that He will preserve them in order to return them, and that as the price He will give eternal happiness and Paradise. This I understood with ‘the knowledge of certainty’ and believed with utter conviction.

Thus, I was taught by the verse For us God suffices that my Sustainer, the Glorious and Munificent One, ‘opens up’ through His Name of Opener the forms of the hundreds of thousands of varieties of animals and plants from limited, similar droplets and seeds, with the uttermost ease, speed, and perfection, and as we mentioned before, gives man this astonishing importance, making him the chief pivot of the works of His dominicality; so too He will create the resurrection of the dead and Paradise and will bestow eternal happiness as easily and definitely as He will create next spring. Had it had been possible, I would have declared through the tongues of all creatures, but since it was not possible, I declared by intention and through thought and imagination: For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs! And so I want to repeat it through all eternity.

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