The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 88

of wisdom, phrases of mercy, and letters of power to acquire numerous different meanings. Instead of lamenting, I exclaimed: “What wonders God has willed! How great are His blessings!”

Thus, through the insight of belief and by being connected through belief to the Maker of the heavens and earth, I perceived from afar what a source of pride and honour it is to be the work of art of a craftsman who adorns the skies with stars and the earth with flowers and exquisite creatures, and demonstrates a hundred miracles in every one of his artefacts—how precious and unique it was to have been made by such a wondrous artist. The verse taught me in particular that since that wonder-working Artist had inscribed in the tiny copy of man the mighty book of the vast heavens and earth, even making him a choice and perfect summary of the book, what a great honour and achievement and way of acquiring value it was for man, and that through the relation and insight of belief, he could receive and lay claim to that honour. Conceiving of all beings in my mind, I formed the intention and declared through the tongues of all of them: “For us God suffices; and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs!”

The Fifth Degree of the Luminous Verse ‘For us God suffices’

Another time when my life was being shaken by severe conditions, it turned my attention towards life and I saw that mine was swiftly passing. I was approaching the end of my life; it had begun to be dimmed with the oppression I suffered. But I thought sorrowfully of how, because of its important duties and virtues and valuable benefits, which are explained in the treatise on the Divine Name of Ever-Living, life deserved to be very lengthy, not to be swiftly extinguished in that way. I once again had recourse to my master, the verse For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs!, and it told me: “Consider life from the point of view of the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One, Who gives you life!” So I considered it and I understood that if one aspect of life looks to me, one hundred aspects look to the Ever-Living Granter of Life. If one of its results concern me, a thousand of its results pertain to my Creator. In that respect it did not require great length, in fact it needed no time at all; to live for an instant was sufficient. This truth is elucidated together with proofs in various parts of the

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