The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 92

the verse For us God suffices, and turned the microscope of the insight of belief at its most obscure mysteries. I saw that just as mirrors, shining objects, fragments of glass, and even bubbles, reveal the various sorts of concealed beauty in the sunlight; and with their different capacities and their change and renewal, renew its beauties; and by reflecting and refracting the light, make known the hidden beauties of the sun and the seven colours in its light; so, without cease, in order to act as mirrors to the sacred beauty of the All-Beauteous One of Glory, the Sun of Pre-Eternity and Post-Eternity, and to the everlasting beauties of His infinitely lovely Most Beautiful Names, and to renew their manifestation, these fine creatures, these lovely beings, these exquisite artefacts, come, then depart. As is explained in detail in the Risale-i Nur supported by powerful proofs, all the shades of beauty that are to be observed on them are not theirs, but are the hints, signs, flashes, and manifestations of an eternal, sacred and transcendent beauty which desires to be perpetually manifested and visible. Here, three of those proofs shall be alluded to briefly.

First Proof: The beauty of a finely worked object points to the beauty of the craftsmanship. The beauty of the craftsmanship points to the beauty of the name which was the source of the craftsmanship. The beauty of the name of the craftsman’s art points to the beauty of the craftsman’s attributes manifested in that art. The beauty of his attributes points to the beauty of his talent and abilities. And the beauty of his abilities points self-evidently to the beauty of his essential self and his reality.

In exactly the same way, the beauty in all the fine creatures which fill the universe, all exquisitely made, testifies decisively to the beauty of the acts of the All-Glorious Craftsman. And the beauty of the acts points indubitably to the beauty of the titles, that is, Names, that look to those acts. And the beauty of the Names testifies certainly to the beauty of the sacred attributes that are the source of the Names. And the beauty of the attributes testifies to the beauty of the essential qualities and abilities that are the source of the attributes. And the beauty of the essential qualities and abilities testifies self-evidently to the beauty and sacred perfection of the Essence which is the source of the acts and is qualified by the Names and attributes, and to the holy beauty of His reality.

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