The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 94

First Point: Relying on their illuminations and unveilings, the chiefs of the people of reality have believed and stated unanimously —despite their paths and methods differing greatly from one another— that the instances of beauty in all beings are the shadows, flashes and manifestations of the sacred, hidden beauty of the Necessarily Existent One.

Second Point: All beautiful creatures appear caravan after caravan, and not stopping, disappear; they come one after the other in succession, then depart. Yet an elevated and unchanging beauty displays itself in the mirrors of those creatures, demonstrating certainly through the continuity of its manifestation that the beauty does not belong to the beautiful creatures, to those mirrors. Rather, like the beauty of the sun’s rays is to be seen on the bubbles floating on the surface of running water, they are the lights of an eternal beauty.

Third Point: It is clear that just as light comes from something luminous, the giving of existence from something existent, bounty from riches, munificence from wealth, and instruction from knowledge, so the giving of excellence is from the excellent and the bestowal of beauty is from the beautiful; it could not be in any other way. It is as a consequence of this truth that we believe that all the beauty in the universe comes from the beauty of the beauteous one the constantly changing and renewed universe describes and defines through all its creatures and the tongues of their mirror-like beings.

Fourth Point: Just as the body relies on the spirit and subsists through it and is animated by it, and a word looks to the meaning and is illuminated by it, and form relies on reality and acquires value through it; so this corporeal and material manifest world is a body, a word, a form which relies on the Divine Names behind the veil of the Unseen, receiving life and vitality from them; it looks to them, and is beautified. All the instances of physical beauty proceed from the non-physical beauties of their own realities and meanings; and as for their realities, they receive effulgence from the Divine Names and are shadows of them of a sort. This truth is proved decisively in the Risale-i Nur.

This means that all the varieties and sorts of beauty in the universe are the signs, marks, and manifestations —by means of

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