The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 97

flower; the spring is also a flower; Paradise is a flower yet unseen. If you can visualize the whole of spring and see Paradise with the eye of belief, you may understand the utter majesty of everlasting Beauty. If you respond to that Beauty with the beauty of belief and worship, you will be a most beautiful creature. While if you meet it with the boundless ugliness of misguidance and loathsomeness of rebellion, you will be both a most ugly creature and will in effect be loathed by all beautiful creatures.

Fifth Point: In accordance with the law that all fine arts and crafts and accomplishments want to display themselves and have themselves appreciated, a master of hundreds of arts and crafts who possessed endless perfections and beauties made a wondrous palace in order to describe and reveal all his arts, crafts and accomplishments, and his hidden beauties. Anyone seeing the miraculous palace would immediately think of the virtues, arts and perfections of its master and maker. Believing in them and affirming them as though seeing them, he would declare: “One who was not beautiful and skilled in every way could not be the source, creator and originator of a work so beautiful. It is as though his immaterial beauties and perfections are embodied in this palace.”

In exactly the same way, so long as his mind and heart are not corrupted, one who sees the exhibition of wonders and beauties of the magnificent palace of this world, that is, the universe, will realize that the palace is a mirror, decorated the way it is in order to show the beauties and perfections of another. Yes, since there is nothing similar to the palace of the world from which its beauties could have been imitated and copied, certainly, its Maker possesses the necessary beauties in himself and in his Names. It is from these that the universe is derived and according to them that it was made. It was written like a book in order to express His beauties and Names.

The Third Proof consists of three Points:

First Point: This is a truth explained in detail with powerful proofs in the Third Stopping-Place of the Thirty-Second Word. Referring detailed discussion of it to that Word, here we shall consider it only with a brief allusion.

We look at creatures, and especially animals and plants, and we see that governing them are a constant adorning, which points to

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