The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 99

attraction, captivation, ecstasy, and drawing truths in the universe are signs of a pre-eternal and post-eternal truth of attraction. While the ecstatic motion and rotations which cause the heavenly bodies and all beings to dance and spin like moths and Mevlevi dervishes are the passionate and dutiful responses to the imperious displays of the sacred beauty of that captivating truth.

Third Point: All the scholars who have researched into reality have agreed that existence is pure good and light, while non-existence is pure evil and darkness. The chiefs of the people of reason and the people of the heart have agreed that in the final analysis all instances of good, beauty, and pleasure arise from existence, and that all evils and bad, calamities, suffering, and even sins are attributable to non-existence.

I f y o u s a y : The source of all beauties is existence, yet also in existence are disbelief and the egotism of the soul?

T h e A n s w e r : Disbelief is non-existence because it is denial of the truths of belief. The existence of egotism, however, is a form of non-existence which has acquired the colour and form of existence due to a wrongful claim to ownership, not knowing the nature of man’s mirror-like being and assuming the imaginary to be actual. Since the source of all beauties is existence and the source of all evils is non-existence, a Necessary Existence and Pre-Eternal, Everlasting Being, which is the firmest and most elevated and shining existence and the one most distant from non-existence, will demand the beauty which is the most powerful, and the most elevated and shining and free of any blemish; it will rather express such a beauty; indeed, it will be such a beauty. Like all-encompassing light is necessitated by the sun, so the Necessary Existent necessitates an eternal beauty; he gives light through it.

All praise be to God for the bounty of belief

Our Sustainer! Do not call us to task if we forget or do wrong.4

Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.5

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