The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 101

The Fifth Chapter (of the Twenty-Ninth Flash)1

On the degrees of For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs! It consists of five ‘Points’.


This phrase is a well-tried remedy for the sickness of human impotence and poverty: For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs!

The Giver of Existence is Eternally Existent, there is no harm therefore in the passing of beings, for the things that are loved continue to exist through the continuance of the One Who gave them existence, the Necessary Existent.

He is the Enduring Maker and Creator; the passing of creatures causes no sorrow, then, for the means of love for them, their Maker, is Enduring.

He is the Eternal King and Lord, so there are no regrets on the passing of His dominions, on their departing and being renewed.

He is the Eternal All-Knowing Witness; no grief is felt therefore at the disappearance from this world of things that are loved, for they have perpetual existence in the knowledge of that Pre-Eternal Witness, and in His view.

He is the Enduring Owner and Creator; there is no pain therefore at the passing of beautiful things, for the source of their beauty, their Creator’s Names, are enduring.

He is the Enduring Inheritor and Raiser to Life; there should be no lamenting on being parted from beloveds, for the One Who will resurrect them and

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