The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 103

within His view, and do not therefore cease to exist on their passing and disappearance.

Likewise, sufficient for me in respect of immortality and the pleasure of it, are my knowledge, understanding, consciousness, and belief that the rays in my being of an Enduring Name of my God are Enduring, and that the reality of my being is nothing other than a shadow of that Name, and that through the mystery of its reflection or image in the mirror of my being, my reality is not itself lovable, but lovable on account of the immortality of the various enduring things reflected in it.


For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs! For He is the Necessary Existent, and these transitory beings are nothing other than places reflecting the renewal of the manifestations of His existence and giving of existence. Through Him and through being connected to Him and through knowledge of Him, are endless lights of existence; while without Him, there are the endless darkness of non-existence and the limitless pains of separation.

These transitory beings are mere mirrors, and with the changing of their relative determinations, they are renewed in six aspects in their transience, disappearance, and permanence:

The First: The permanent existence of their beautiful meanings and identities in the World of Similitudes.

The Second: The permanent existence of their forms in the tablets of the World of Similitudes.

The Third: The permanent existence of their results and fruits which look to the hereafter.

The Fourth: The permanent existence of their dominical glorifications, represented [in the Preserved Tablet], which is a sort of existence.

The Fifth: The permanent existence in the exhibitions of knowledge and eternal vistas.

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