The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 106

Likewise, sufficient for me for life and its value is my being a measure through my absolute impotence, poverty, and weakness to the degrees of the power of the Absolutely Powerful One, the degrees of mercy of the Absolutely Compassionate One, and the levels of strength of the Possessor of Absolute Strength.

Likewise, sufficient for me for perfection is my knowledge that my God is Absolutely Perfect, and whatever things there are in the universe which are perfect, they are signs of His perfection and indications of it.

Likewise, sufficient for me for perfection in myself is belief in God, because for man, belief is the source of all perfections.

Likewise, sufficient for me for all my needs sought through the tongues of my various faculties, is my God, Sustainer, and Creator, the Giver of my form; His are the Most Beautiful Names; He feeds me and gives me to drink; He nurtures, raises, administers, and perfects me; He is limitless in glory, and His favours are comprehensive.


Sufficient for me for all my wishes is He Who opened up from a fluid through His subtle art, subtle power, wisdom, and His subtle dominicality, my form and that of all my fellow living creatures.

Likewise, sufficient for me for all my aims is He Who made me, opened my ears and eyes, included in my body my tongue and my heart, and placed in them and in my other faculties innumerable precise scales to weigh up the contents of the treasuries of His mercy. Similarly, He placed in my tongue, heart, and nature, countless sensitive instruments to gauge the varieties of the treasures of His Names.

Likewise, sufficient for me is He Who, through His glorious Godhead, beautiful mercy, grand dominicality, munificent clemency, vast power, and subtle wisdom, included in my insignificant, lowly person and weak and wanting being, all these members and faculties, limbs and systems, senses and feelings, inner faculties and spiritual powers, to allow me to know all the varieties of His bounties and

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