The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 107

comprehend most of the manifestations of His Names.


I and all men should declare thankfully and proudly:

Sufficient for me is the One Who created me and took me out of the darkness of non-existence, bestowing on me light of being.

Likewise, sufficient for me is the One Who bestowed on me the bounty of life, which gives all things to those who possess it and stretches out its hands to all things.

Likewise, sufficient for me is the One Who made me a human being and bestowed on me the bounty of humanity, which makes man the microcosm, greater in meaning than the macrocosm.

Likewise, sufficient for me is the One Who made me a believer and bestowed on me the bounty of belief, which makes this world and the hereafter two tables laden with bounties, and offers them to the believer with the hand of belief.

Likewise, sufficient for me is the One Who made me a member of the community of His Beloved, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) and bestowed on me love of God and being loved by Him, which are found in belief and are the highest degrees of human perfection; and through this love springing from belief, expanded the extent to which believers could benefit, to the infinite contents of the spheres of contingency and necessity.

Likewise, sufficient for me is the One Who, not making me inanimate, or an animal, or leaving me in misguidance, gave me preference with regard to nature, species, religion, and belief, over the majority of creatures; praise and thanks are therefore due to Him alone.

Likewise, sufficient for me is the One Who made me a comprehensive place of the manifestations of His Names, and in accordance with the meaning of the Hadith: “The heavens and the earth contained me not; I was contained in the heart of my believing

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