The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 104

The Sixth: The permanent existence of their spirits, if they have them. For their various functions and states in their death, transience, disappearance, annihilation, and their appearance and extinction, is nothing other than what is demanded by the Divine Names. It is due to the mystery of this that beings flow like a rushing torrent on the waves of life and death, existence and non-existence. And from this function arises perpetual activity and continuous creation. I, and everyone, therefore, are compelled to say: For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs! That is, as regards existence, it is sufficient for me that I am the work of the Necessary Existent; to receive this illumined existence for a passing instant is preferable to millions of years of apparent, fruitless existence.

Yes, through the mystery of being related to God through belief, a minute of this existence is the equivalent of thousands of years without the relation of belief; the degrees of existence of that minute, even, are more complete and extensive than those thousands of years.

Likewise, sufficient for me for existence and the value of existence is my being the art of the One Whose grandeur is in the heavens and signs are on the earth, and Who created the heavens and earth in six days.

Likewise, sufficient for me for existence and its perfection is my being the artefact of the One Who adorned and lit up the heavens with lamps, and made dazzling the earth with flowers.

Likewise, sufficient for me for pride and honour is my being the creature and totally owned slave and servant of the One in relation to Whose perfection and beauty all the beauties and perfections of the universe are merely dim shadows, and signs of His perfection and indications of His beauty.

Likewise, sufficient for me for everything is He Who stores up in tiny containers between the kaf and the nun2 incalculable numbers of bounties, and preserves through His power tons in a single handful of the subtle containers called seeds and grains.

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