The Rays | The Fourth Ray | 102

return them to Himself is Enduring.

He is Eternally All-Beauteous and Glorious; there should be no distress therefore at the disappearance of beautiful things, for those beautiful things are the mirrors of the Beautiful Names, which endure together with their beauties after the disappearance of the mirrors.

He is the Eternal True Object of Love and Worship; so no sorrow should be felt on the passing of ‘metaphorical’ beloveds, for the True Beloved is Eternal.

He is Eternally Merciful, Compassionate, Loving, and Clement; so the passing of the apparent bestowers of bounties and compassion has no importance, it should not cause sorrow or despair, for the One Whose mercy and compassion encompass all things is Enduring.

He is Eternally Beauteous, Gracious, and Kind; the disappearance of gracious and sympathetic beings, therefore, should neither cause pain, nor should importance be given it, for the One Who takes the place of all of them and a single of Whose manifestations they all together cannot replace, is Enduring.

Since He is Enduring and possesses these attributes, He takes the place of every sort of transient, ephemeral beloved in this world. For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs!

Yes, enough for the immortality of this world and all it contains is the enduring existence of its Owner, Maker, and Creator.


Sufficient for my immortality is God, for He is my Eternal God and my Eternal Creator, the Eternal Giver of my existence, my Eternal Maker, my Eternal Owner, my Eternal Witness, the Eternal True Object of my Worship, my Eternal Resurrector. There is therefore no harm in the disappearance of my being; there should be no sorrow, regret, or grief. For the Giver of my existence is Enduring, and His creation through His Names is also Enduring. The attributes of my person are nothing but the rays of one of His Names. They exist permanently in their Creator’s knowledge and

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