The Rays | The Fifth Ray | 128

The Answer: The knowledge is with God, their achievements being so great and extraordinary is because since they mostly consist of destruction and exciting the appetites, they carry out those works easily, so that it says in one narration: “A single of their days is a year.” That is, the works they carry out in one year would not normally be carried out in three hundred. There are four aspects of and reasons for their power appearing to be superhuman:

• The First: Since, as the result of a Divine scheme permitting them to do so, the good things and advances which are achieved through the strength of brave armies and active nations in their despotic, huge states, are unjustly attributed to them, it leads to their persons being imagined to have the power of a thousand men. But rightfully and according to the rules, the positive good, honour, and booty won through the actions of a community should be divided among the community and given to its members. And any evils, destruction, and losses should be ascribed to its leader’s lack of precautions and faults. For example, if a batallion conquers a citadel, the booty and honour is due to their bayonets. While if there are any losses due to faulty planning, they are the commander’s.

Thus, entirely contrarily to this fundamental principle of truth and reality, since positive progress and all things good are ascribed to those fearsome leaders, and negative developments and evils are attributed to their unfortunate peoples, as the result of a Divine scheme, those persons, who deserve to be abominated by everyone, are loved by all the heedless and neglectful.

• The Second Aspect and Reason: Because both Dajjals employ the severest despotism, the greatest tyranny, and the maximum violence and terror, they appear to have vast power. Yes, a despotism so extraordinary that under the cloak of laws, they intervene in everyone’s consciences and religious beliefs, and even their clothes. It is my guess that with a premonition of the future the lovers of freedom at the end of the last century perceived this awesome despotism, and letting fly their arrows at it, attacked it. But they were sorely mislead and attacked on the wrong front. It is tyranny and coercion so great that it wipes out a hundred villages because of one man, punishing hundreds of innocent people and ruining them by forced migrations.

• The Third Aspect and Reason: Because both Dajjals will

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