The Rays | The Fifth Ray | 130

Also, because such a magnificent, lucky, successful, and cunning commander, who is merely being led on by God, appears at the time of a heroic and glorious nation’s defeat, with their love of heroism the people will applaud and fete him without considering his hidden, terrible true nature, and will want to cover up his iniquities. However, it is understood from narrations that through the light of belief and light of the Qur’an in their spirits, the heroic, mujahid army and religious nation will see the truth and will try to repair that commander’s terrible destruction.


This consists of three instructive incidents.

First Incident: One time, God’s Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) pointed out to ‘Umar (May God be pleased with him) one of a group of Jewish children, and said: “He is his very image!” ‘Umar said: “Then I shall kill him!” But God’s Messenger (PBUH) replied: “If that is the Sufyan, the Islamic Dajjal, you cannot kill him. And if it is not, he cannot be killed through his image.”42

This narration indicates that at the time of his rule, the Sufyan’s image will appear on numerous things, and that he will be born a Jew. It is strange that although ‘Umar (May God be pleased with him) was sufficiently angry and hostile towards him to be able to kill a child resembling him, someone the Sufyan most admired and liked and spoke off with praise and appreciation turned out to be ‘Umar.

Second Incident: Many people narrated that the Islamic Dajjal will be curious about the meaning of the Sura, By the fig and the olive,43 and will ask about it.

It is strange but the verse Nay, but man transgresses all bounds44 in the following Sura, Read! In the name of your Sustainer,45 according to jafr reckoning and its meaning, also indicates his time and person, pointing out that he will

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