The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 289

that particular tree of Zaqqum, saying: “I am its origin. For the unfortunate who bears me in his heart, my fruit is a private sample of that Zaqqum-tree.”

Since disbelief is aggression against innumerable rights, it is certainly an infinite crime and deserves infinite punishment. Human justice considers a sentence of fifteen years imprisonment (nearly eight million minutes) to be justice for a one minute’s murder, and conformable with general rights and interests. Therefore, since one instance of disbelief is the equivalent of a thousand murders, to suffer torments for nearly eight thousand million minutes for one minute’s absolute disbelief, is in conformity with that law of justice. A person who passes a year of his life in disbelief deserves punishment for close on two million million eight hundred eighty thousand million minutes, and manifests the meaning of the verse,

They will dwell therein for ever.18


The All-Wise Qur’an’s miraculous descriptions of Heaven and Hell, and the proofs of their existence in the Risale-i Nur, a Qur’anic commentary which proceeds from the Qur’an, leave no need for others.

As is shown by numerous verses like,

They reflect on the creation of the heavens and earth, saying: “O our Sustainer! Indeed You have not created this in vain; glory be unto You; and protect us from the torment of the Fire!”19 * O our Sustainer! Avert from us the torment of Hell; indeed its torment is a grievous affliction, * And evil it is as a resting-place and abode,20

and indicated by foremost God’s Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and all the prophets and people of reality always repeating in their supplications, “Preserve us from Hell-fire! Deliver us from Hell-fire! Save us from Hell-fire!”, which due to their

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