The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 424

which have left all the lawyers in amazement. I offer many thanks that due to this possibility the allusion of a Hadith was imparted to me. Also, the experts’ committee have completely acquitted all my brothers and myself. They said, “They adhere to Said’s scholarly and knowledgeable works for their belief and their lives in the hereafter; we found nothing explicit or implicit in either their correspondence, or their books or treatises, suggesting any sort of conspiracy against the government.” They gave their decision unanimously, and put their signatures, philosopher Necati, (scholar) Yusuf Ziya, and philosopher Yusuf.

It is a subtle coincidence that while for ourselves, we call this prison a School of Joseph (Medrese-i Yusufiye) and The Fruits of Belief, its fruit, these two other Yusuf’s have said secretly through their tongues of disposition “we also have shared in the lessons of that School of Joseph.” Moreover, their subtle evidence for the possibility of ecstasy and hallucinations are phrases like “The Thirty-Third Word” and “The Thirty-Third Letter Containing Thirty-Three Windows,” and “his hearing his cat reciting the Divine Names ‘Ya Rahim! Ya Rahim! (O Most Compassionate One!’,” and “his seeing himself as a gravestone.”

S a i d N u r s i

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In His Name, be He glorified!

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

Since according to numerous signs, we are under Divine protection, and since in the face of numerous inequitable enemies, the Risale-i Nur has not been defeated, and has silenced to a degree the Education Minister and People’s Party, and since those who, greatly exaggerating the extent and breadth of our question, have caused alarm to the Government are sure to try to conceal their slander and lies with various trumped up excuses; what we must do is to retain our patience and composure in perfect submission, and particularly not to feel disillusioned, and not to despair when sometimes the opposite of what we hoped occurs, and not to be shaken by passing storms! Yes, disillusionment may destroy the morale and enthusiasm of the worldly, but for the Risale-i Nur

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