The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 421

In His Name, be He glorified!

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

It is a manifestation of dominical grace that while expecting the Education Minister to erupt and attack us, although he had not seen our defences, documents, and books, and had only sensed them; and although the highest government departments had studied our most vehement confidential treatises like the Fifth Ray and Addendum to The Six Attacks (Hücumat-i Sitte’nin Zeyli) in order to criticize them; and our defences’ bold, harsh and serious blows at absolute disbelief should have led Ankara to act severely against us; they adopted a very lenient, and even conciliatory, position relative to the importance of the question. One reason for this manifestation of Divine grace is this: the Risale-i Nur’s being read with care and attention in all the country, which as a result of the interest has become a large dershane or place of study, and by all the important departments of government. Yes, such elevated teachings being studied at this time on such a comprehensive and universal scale is certainly a significant instance of Divine favour and is a powerful sign that it has smashed absolute disbelief.

My Brothers! Supposing that there may be an excuse for some weak family men who have suffered much hardship and loss to withdraw a little from the Risale-i Nur and from us, or even to give us up, I say in consequence of the possibility that they may change after having been released: it would be a serious loss for those who have paid this price, material and non-material, for goods of such value, and have suffered much torment, to forgo those goods. And if they suddenly give up the Risale-i Nur and its parts, and their attachment to it, and stop protecting us and helping and serving us, it would be an unnecessary loss both for them and for us. For this reason, in addition to being cautious, it is necessary not to change their loyalty, ties, and service.

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