The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 420

the people:

We are trying to be saved from death’s eternal execution, which awaits us ever before our eyes, and from the everlasting darkness of the solitary confinement of the grave, which opens its door to us and summons us ineluctably. We are helping you to be saved from that awesome, inevitable calamity. The questions of politics and this world, which in your view are the most momentous, in our view and in that of reality have little value, and for those not directly concerned, are meaningless, unimportant, and worthless. Whereas the essential human duties with which we are occupied have a genuine connection with everyone all the time. Those who do not like this task of ours and want to put a stop to it, should put a stop to death and shut up the grave!

The third and fourth points have not been written for now.

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In His Name, be He glorified!

It is one of the wonders of the Risale-i Nur that for ten years Üstad Bediuzzaman has repeatedly said: “Atheists and apostates! Don’t interfere with the Risale-i Nur! It is a means of repulsing disasters, like almsgiving, so attacks on it, or its ceasing from activity, weakens its defence against disaster. If you molest it, the calamities that are waiting in the offing will rain down on you in floods.” There are numerous disasters we have witnessed in this connection. Whenever in the past four years the Risale-i Nur and its students have been attacked, a disaster or calamity has followed, demonstrating the Risale-i Nur’s importance and that it is a means of repulsing disaster. Among the hundreds of events Bediuzzaman predicted through the Risale-i Nur, disasters have put their signatures to their correctness with the hand of earthquakes; the four disasters which followed them showed how that the Risale-i Nur is a means of repulsing calamities. May Almighty God bestow belief on the hearts of those who attack us and the Risale-i Nur, and minds and eyes in their heads that will see the truth; and may He save us from these dungeons and them from those disasters. Amen!

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