The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 417

incontrovertible proofs in order to refute the ideas of materialism, which plagues humanity at this time. It has put the matter in third place and has left detailed discussion of it to others. God willing, a student of the Risale-i Nur may expound Sura al-Rahman in the future and solve the question.

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In His Name, be He glorified!

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

Who say when afflicted by calamity: To God do we belong, and to Him is our return.42

The deaths of Hafiz Ali, Hafiz Mehmed, and Mehmed Zühdü were truly a great loss not only for us, but for Isparta, and even for this country and the Islamic world. But up to now, as a manifestation of Divine grace, whenever a Risale-i Nur student has been lost, two or three have immediately appeared who follow the same system. I have powerful hopes therefore that serious students will emerge who will carry out those students’ duties in another form. Anyway, those three blessed people performed a hundred years’ worth of duties serving the cause of belief in a short period. May the Most Merciful of the Merciful grant them mercy to the number of the letters of the Risale-i Nur that they wrote, published, and read. Amen!

Offer my condolences to Hafiz Mehmed’s relations and his blessed village for me. I have made him the companion to Hafiz Ali and Mehmed Zühdü, and included the names of the three of them among the names of those of my masters who were spiritual poles. And I have made Hafiz Akif the companion of Asim and Lütfi.

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