The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 415

Since this is the fact and since up to now in the service of the Risale-i Nur we have witnessed the manifestation of dominical grace to an undeniable degree — we have all experienced this, particular and universal; and since many of the movements of politics and the world are mustering forces against each other; and since we can do nothing except be content with the Divine Decree and submit to Divine Determining, and receive the vast and sacred consolation arising from the service of belief and the Qur’an and the Risale-i Nur; certainly, what we have to do before anything else is not be alarmed and not to despair and strengthen each other’s morale and not to be frightened and to meet this calamity trusting in God, and recognize the mountains which the inane, clamorous journalists who make mountains out of molehills to be molehills, and to give them no importance. The life of this world, especially at this time and under these conditions, is without value. Whatever happens to one, one should meet it contentedly.

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In His Name, be He glorified!

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

Two or three of my brothers have a good way of consoling themselves. They say this:

Some of our new brothers in this prison are enduring patiently one or two or perhaps ten years of this calamity because of one or two hours illicit activity. Some of them even offer thanks, saying that they have been saved from other sins. They say: Why should we complain about six or seven months of beneficial hardship, since we are employed in the most licit activity and are serving belief through the Risale-i Nur? I congratulate them. Yes, to suffer difficulties for five or ten months because of performing for five or ten years an enjoyable, pleasant, beneficial, sacred service and elevated worship and reflection with the intention of saving both one’s own belief and that of others, is a cause of pride and thanks. In a Hadith it says: “For one person to come to believe through you is better for you than a plainful of red sheep and goats.”40 You should think

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