The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 413

The Sixth is Ömer, who at the beginning assisted me; he began to perform the prayers and gave up singing. Then one evening, a song reached my ears which was being sung close to my door; it disturbed me as I was reciting my supplications. I was angry, went out and saw that unusually, it was Ömer. And unusually for me, I dealt him a slap. Then, unusually, the following morning, he was sent to another prison.

The Seventh: A sixteen year old called Hamza, who because he had a good voice, used to sing songs, also whetting the appetites of others and upsetting things. I told him not to do it or he would receive a slap. Then suddenly two days later his hand was dislocated and he suffered torments for two weeks.

Yes, it’s true,


There are other slaps like these, but the paper is finished and so is the meaning.

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My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

An education minister raised the veil from his face and revealed absolute disbelief in another guise. He must have written that manifesto on some other prompting, before receiving the defences we last sent. I was not thinking of sending them to that department, but this has shown that it is both appropriate and necessary to send them there too, with my brothers’ approval. For most likely a deputy so bigotted in atheism would not be indifferent towards the documents and confidential treatises sent to Ankara. He was suddenly hit on the head by the irrefutable defences; it was excellent. God willing, it will give rise to a powerful movement in favour of the Risale-i Nur in that department too.

My Brothers! Since some people are like that, to submit to them is a sort of suicide; it is to regret Islam, or even to shake off religion. For they are so bigotted in atheism that they are not content with people like us only submitting or pretending to submit; they tell us: “Give up your hearts and consciences, and work for this world alone.” In such a situation, there is no solution other than relying on

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