The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 411

person’s life; and the exertion does continue. Those great saints, then, complain of this second enemy and heir of the soul. Moreover, spiritual worth, station, and virtue do not look to this world so that they should make themselves felt. In fact, since some of those at the highest station do not perceive the great Divine favours bestowed on them, they consider themselves to be more wretched and bankrupt than everyone, which shows that the wonder-workings, unfoldings, illuminations, and lights which the mass of people consider to be spiritual perfection, cannot be the means to and touchstone for that spiritual worth and those stations. This is proved by the fact that although one hour of the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) had the worth of a day of other saints, or perhaps forty days’ ordeal, all the Companions experienced the same wondrous illuminations and states as the saints.

My brothers, be careful! Do not let your evil-commanding souls deceive you by comparing others to yourselves and thinking ill of them; do not allow them to make you doubt the Risale-i Nur’s ability to train.

In His Name, be He glorified!

[The unruly youths themselves confirm that nine slaps they received related to the five matters in the Risale-i Nur’s Guide For Youth and Fruits of Belief are a subtle instance of the Risale-i Nur’s wonder-working.]

The First is Feyzi, who sometimes assists me. At the start I told him: You have attended a reading of The Fruits, so don’t get into trouble. He did get into trouble, and received a slap: he could not use his hand for a week.

Yes, it’s true,


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