The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 408

and Hafiz Mehmed: “O God! Busy them in perfect happiness and contentment till the resurrection of the dead with the truths of belief and mysteries of the Qur’an in the guise of the Risale-i Nur. Amen!

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In His Name, be He glorified!

My Dear and Loyal Brothers!

I cannot forget the late Hafiz Ali; his suffering upsets me terribly. In earlier times, self-sacrificing persons would sometimes die in place of their friends; I reckon he departed in my place. If those like you who follow his system were not performing his supreme service, it would have been a terrible loss for Islam. My pain subsides when I think of you, his heirs, and I feel cheered up. It is astonishing but his departing with his spiritual life, indeed, with his physical life, to the Intermediate Realm, has aroused in me a longing to go to that world, and one veil more has been folded back in my spirit. Just as we send greetings to our brothers in Isparta from here and converse with them and exchange news, so the Intermediate Realm, where Hafiz Ali now dwells, has become like Isparta or Kastamonu in my view. I heard, even, that someone from here was sent there last night. I felt even sorrier; why had I not sent Hafiz Ali greetings with him? Then it occurred to me that no means are needed to send greetings; his powerful connection is like a telephone. Also, he would come and receive them. That great martyr has caused me to love Denizli, I do not want to leave here now. He and Mehmed Zühdü and Hafiz Mehmed are continuing their tasks serving belief and the Risale-i Nur which they carried out in their lives. They watch from very close by, and even help. With their taking their places, due to the valuable service they performed, in the sphere of the great saints, I mention the names of those two, together with Hafiz Mehmed, together with those of the spiritual poles in my ‘chain,’ and bequeath my gifts.

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