The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 409

My Dear and Loyal Brothers!

Your sincerity, loyalty, and steadfastness are sufficient reason to disregard one another’s faults in the present trying circumstances, and to hide them. For the powerful brotherhood within the Risale-i Nur is such a good act it causes one to forgive a thousand evils. Since at the Last Judgement when good deeds will preponderate over evils, Divine justice will forgive, you too, seeing that good deeds preponderate, should act with love and forgiveness. For to become angry due to a single bad deed, and exasperated in harmful manner out of irritability, and upset because of the difficulties, is to be wrong in two respects. God willing, you will assist one another in joy and consolation, and will reduce the hardship to nothing.

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My Loyal, Blessed Brothers!

The reason I have not spoken with you for a few days is a severe illness resulting from poison, the like of which I have never experienced. On account of the Risale-i Nur, I shall be proud till the end of my days of my steadfast, staunch, unshakeable brothers in the ‘Light’ and ‘Rose’ areas,39 and the devoted brothers of Kastamonu, and I find them a powerful support and effective solace in the face of the afflictions of all the tyrants. If I was to die now, I would meet my death happily seeing that they are there.

The worldly cast me into prison due to their groundless fears that I was opposing them, but Divine Determining imprisoned me because I did not speak with them and did not try to reform them. If I remain in prison with only a few friends, I shall seek an open trial which will arouse the interest of all the Islamic world, and I shall open proceedings against the departments of government in Ankara, and have numerous copies made in the new letters of The Fruits of Belief and the defence speeches, and shall send them to the important departments, God willing.

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