The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 414

dominical grace, trusting in God in patience and fortitude, sending four crates of copies of the Risale-i Nur to that centre, and praying that with their powerful truths, they will be victorious. Our experience up to now has shown that avoiding one another and being upset, and dissociating oneself from the Risale-i Nur, and submitting to them and even joining them, is of no benefit. Also, in no way be anxious. That deputy’s blustering alarm shows his weakness and fear, and that he is compelled not to attack, but to defend himself.

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My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

Sami Bey told me that one of our brothers from Homa, a student called Ali, died around the same time as Hafiz Ali. Mehmed Ali, one of heroes of Homa, also wrote and told me. So in many of my prayers I have made that Ali a companion to the great martyr Ali.

Recently, a lady who is connected with us dreamt that three of our brothers had died. Its interpretation is that these two Ali’s and Mustafa, who in prison wanted to become a follower of the Risale-i Nur and was hanged, went to the hereafter in place of all of us, and were sacrificed for our well-being.

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In His Name, be He glorified!

My Dear, Loyal, Unshakeable Brothers, who know the true nature and meaning of reliance on God!

Although for twenty years I have not had the curiosity to either read or ask about any newspaper, with much regret I today saw, only for the sake of some of our weak brothers, a newspaper article. I understood from it that covertly and openly a number of important movements are playing false parts. Since we appear in the public eye, it is supposed we are connected with those movements. God willing, the four boxes of powerful, irrefutable treatises and notebooks of decisive defences will produce good results for both us, and belief and the Qur’an, and Islam. We have not meddled in their worlds and they have in no way established that we are going to meddle. Ankara was compelled to request the whole Risale-i Nur in order to scrutinize it.

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