The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 419

In His Name, be He glorified!

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

In the First Ray, the allusions have been elucidated of the verse,

Can he who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a light whereby he can walk amongst men...?44

to both the Risale-i Nur, and with the word dead, with three powerful signs and connections, to these unhappy Risale-i Nur students. Now, in the present events, one of those signs is being realized. For, holding up life, civilization, and pleasure, those who oppress us accuse us of giving no importance to that style of life; they make charges against us, and even want to have us imprisoned with heavy labour, or executed. But they can find no legal sanction for this. As for us, we hold up death, the introduction to eternal life and its veil, and hit them over the heads with it to bring them to their senses, and work with all our strength to save them from true conviction, eternal execution, and everlasting solitary confinement. Even if I am given the severest penalties because of the vehement treatises that were sent to Ankara, and those who mete out the penalties are saved through the treatises from the execution of death, both my heart and my soul would consent to it. That is to say, we want them to have life in both worlds and this is what we are seeking, while they want us to die and they are seeking pretexts for this. But we are not defeated before them, because the reality of death and thirty thousand human corpses daily display as clearly and visibly as the sun the proclamations and decrees for thirty thousand eternal executions and thirty thousand solitary confinements for the people of misguidance. Let them do what they want. According to jafr and abjad reckoning, the verse,

It is the fellowship of God that must triumph45

has given us the good news, even in the twelve years of our most bitter defeat, of our victory together with its date. Since the reality is this, we shall from now on say the following, both to the court, and to

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