The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 459

Nur has been striving for twenty years to maintain the country and nation’s social life and morality and security; and has been effectively struggling to regain for this nation its true support, the Islamic world’s brotherhood and its friendship, and to strengthen these; and the parts of the Risale-i Nur like Zülfikâr and The Staff of Moses (Âsâ-yi Mûsa), which having been studied for three months by the Directorate of Religious Affairs on the orders of the Minister for Internal Affairs for the purpose of having it criticized, fully appreciated its value and had it put in the Department library as “an important work;” and The Staff of Moses, which was placed on the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), as a sign of its acceptance was seen there by the Hajjis. Would any law, conscience, or justice permit these to be collected up as though they were injurious papers and sent to court?

The Eighth: Then a person who although he was given complete freedom after twenty-two years of distressing and unjustified exile, did not return to his native region where he had thousands of friends and relations, but preferred solitude and exile so that he should have no contact with social life and politics; and who gave up the very meritorious congregation of the mosque in preferance to performing the prayers on his own and remaining in his room; that is, his state of mind made him avoid the people’s adulation; and as is testified to by twenty years of his life and confirmed by thousands of valuable Turks, preferred one pious Turk to numerous negligent Kurds, and who even proved in court that he would not exchange a hundred negligent Kurds for one Turkish brother with powerful belief like Hafiz Ali; and who in order not to be the object of their respect and veneration, never met with people so long as it was not essential and did not go to the mosque; and for forty years has worked with all his strength and all his works for Islamic brotherhood and so that Muslims would love one another; and who, since the Turkish nation is the Qur’an’s standard-bearer and is praised by the Qur’an, has great love for that nation and has passed his life among its people —in order to insult this person with the tongue of officialdom and make propaganda and scare away his friends, the former governor said: “He is a Kurd and you are Turks. He is a Shafi‘i and you are Hanafi’s,” trying to frighten everyone into abandoning him. And although over twenty years and in two courts he was not forced to change his manner of dress, and the

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