The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 462

did not bother them?” What answer will you and those who want to convict and ruin the Risale-i Nur students, who serve the truths of the Qur’an, give? I am asking you the same thing! I said that to them and those just and fair-minded people acquitted us, demonstrating the fairness of the judicial system.

The Fourth: I was expecting to be taken for interrogation to a place of consultation, in either Ankara or Afyon, where questions would be asked and answered about matters of overriding importance and the Risale-i Nur’s relation to them. Yes, matters connected with finding ways of restoring the brotherhood, love, and good will of three hundred and fifty million Muslims for this nation and country, and their moral assistance for it. An indication that the Risale-i Nur is the most effective means of achieving this is the following:

In Mecca this year, a scholar of great eminence translated the main collections of the Risale-i Nur into both one of the Indian languages and Arabic, and sending them to India and Arabia, said: “Just as he strives through the Risale-i Nur to secure unity and Islamic brotherhood, our most powerful support, so he demonstrates that the Turkish nation is always progressive in religion and belief.”

I was also expecting that momentous questions would be asked like “What is the extent of the service the Risale-i Nur can provide in the face of the danger communism poses to this country, because it turns into anarchy? How can this blessed country be defended against this terrible torrent?” It should have been thus, but having been blown up out of all proportion due to the petty and personal slander of the spiteful, matters holding not the slightest importance and which are in no way crimes, were discussed, which caused distress me in these serious conditions, the like of which I have never before suffered in my life. Meaningless questions were asked about one or two minor personal matters which three previous courts had previously examined then acquitted.

The Fifth: The Risale-i Nur cannot be contested or defeated. It has been silencing the most obdurate philosophers for twenty years. It demonstrates the truths of belief as clearly as the sun. Those who rule this country should profit from its strength.

The Sixth: Destroying my unimportant character because of

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