The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 464

bring the earth to anger if this valuable national service of the Risale-i Nur is responded to with torments in this way?

The Ninth is a brief summary of a matter that was proved and elucidated in my defence in Denizli.

If through his genius and intelligence a great military commander arrogates to himself all the positive virtues of the army and ascribes to the army his own negative evils, the courageous actions and virtues of the soldiers, which equal them in number, will be reduced to one, while the commander’s evils will be equal in number to the soldiers, which is an awesome wrong and contrary to the truth. This being so, I said to the public prosecutor in our previous trials, who was attacking me because of the slap a Hadith I expounded forty years earlier dealt that person: “It’s true I’m offending him due to predictions made by Hadiths, but I’m also defending the army’s honour and preserving him from serious error. As for you, for the sake of one single friend of yours, you are affronting the honour of the army, which is the Qur’an’s standard-bearer and an heroic commander of the Islamic world.” God willing, the prosecutor saw the matter more fairly and was saved from his error.

The Tenth: It is because in the administration of justice the essence of justice and the rights of everyone who applies have to preserved without discrimination and the duty of those involved is to work solely for the sake of right, that during his caliphate, Imam ‘Ali (May God be pleased with him) sat together with a Jew in court and they were tried together. On another occasion, a just judge saw that an official was angry with a delinquent thief when he was cutting off his hand as demanded by the law. He immediately sacked the official, and full of regret said: “Those who up to now have been influenced by their feelings in this way while executing the law have perpetrated great wrongs.” Yes, even if in executing the law he does not pity the convicted man, he may not be angry; if he is, he is acting tyrannically. If he carries out capital punishment angrily, even if it is in retaliation (qisas), he becomes a sort of murderer.”

Thus, in courts of law it is this pure, unbiased truth which rules. But although three courts have acquitted us, and perhaps if they knew, ninety per cent of this nation would testify that the Risale-i Nur students are harmless and beneficial for nation and country, the

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