The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 668

 received Your anger, nor those who have gone astray.8

FIRST PHRASE: ‘All praise be to God’

A very brief allusion to the proof of the truths of belief in this phrase.

Filling the face of the earth, indeed, the universe, are intentional bestowals and bounties, which are the cause of praise and thanks, especially the sending of pure, clean, nutritious milk to infants from between blood and excrement; so too are there purposeful gifts and presents, and kindly benefactions and feasts. The price of these is to say “In the Name of God” at the start, “All praise be to God” at the end, and in the middle to perceive the bestowal in the bounty, and through it to recognize your Sustainer. Consider your own self, your stomach, and your senses! How many things and bounties they need! See how many foods and delights they want for the price of praise and thanks, then compare all living creatures with yourself. Thus, the endless praise offered verbally and through tongues of disposition in response to these general bestowals shows as clearly as the sun the existence and universal dominicality of One Who is Worshipped and Praised, an All-Compassionate Bestower of Bounties.

SECOND PHRASE: ‘The Sustainer of All the Worlds’

A very short allusion to the proof contained in this phrase:

We see with our eyes that within the universe are not thousands, but millions of worlds, small universes, mostly one within the other. Although the conditions for the administration and running of these are all different, they are organized, maintained, and administered so perfectly that like a single page held constantly in view the universe is renewed and changed, and like a line, each of all those worlds is written by a pen of power and determining. Every instant attestations, particular and universal, are made, boundless, unending testimonies to the number of minute particles and the beings formed of them, to the necessary existence and unity of a Sustainer of All the Worlds who administers these millions of worlds and travelling universes with an infinite knowledge, wisdom, and limitless all-

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