The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 671

 wisdom. Like a houri of Paradise dressed in seventy fine garments, it is always laughing, smiling with mercy. He will observe that mankind within it is a miniature universe, and each individual man a microcosm. He will exclaim with all his heart and spirit:

“All praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds * The Merciful, the Compassionate. * Owner of the Day of Judgement!”

FOURTH PHRASE: ‘Owner of the Day of Judgement’

A very concise indication of the proof contained in this phrase:

Firstly: All the evidences which testify to the proof of ‘And to Him is your return,’ and to the resurrection of the dead and hereafter at the end of the Part One of this lesson, testify to the extensive truth of belief which ‘Owner of the Day of Judgement’ indicates.

Secondly: As is said at the end of the Tenth Word, just as the eternal dominicality, mercy, and wisdom of the universe’s Maker, and his pre-eternal and post-eternal beauty, glory, and perfection, and His endless other attributes and hundreds of Names certainly require the hereafter; so does the Qur’an testify to the abode of the hereafter with thousands of its verses and proofs, as does Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) with his hundreds of miracles and evidences, and all the prophets (Peace be upon them) and the revealed books and scriptures, with their innumerable evidences. The person, therefore, who does not believe in the everlasting life of the hereafter casts himself into a sort of Hell in this world, arising from his unbelief, and suffers constant torment. As is described in A Guide For Youth, through their death and parting, all the past and the future and creatures and universes continuously rain down endless pains on his spirit and heart, making him suffer the torments of Hell before going there.

Thirdly: ‘The Day of Judgement’ (Yawm al-Din) alludes to a vast and powerful proof of the resurrection of the dead, but a situation has arisen here causing the postponement of that proof to another time. Perhaps too, no need remains for it. For various parts of the Risale-i Nur have proved with hundreds of powerful arguments that the morning and spring of the resurrection of the

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