The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 676

And if the power of animal appetites strays from the safe middle way of chastity, it falls into either excess and a calamitous, shameful debauchery and immorality, or into deficiency and frigidity, that is, an inability to experience pleasure, and suffers the torments of that spiritual sickness.

Thus, like these, in personal life and social life, in all their ways, the direct path is the easiest, shortest, and most beneficial. And ways other than the straight path are full of troubles, and are lengthy and harmful.

That is to say, just as Guide us to the straight path is a comprehensive supplication and wide-reaching worship, so it indicates a proof of Divine unity, instruction in wisdom, and moral training.

SEVENTH PHRASE: ‘The path of those whom You have blessed’

A concise indication of the proof contained in this phrase:

Firstly: The answer to the question of who “those” are, is the verse:

Of the prophets [who teach], the sincere [lovers of the truth], the witnesses [or martyrs] [who testify], and the righteous [who do good].10

This verse lists the four classes of mankind who have received the bounty of right-guidance. That is, with “the prophets” it indicates Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), who is the leader of the four classes, with “the sincere [lovers of the truth]” Abu Bakr the Veracious, and with “the witnesses [or martyrs] [who testify]” ‘Umar, Uthman, and ‘Ali (May God be pleased with them). With these prophecies, that after the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and after Abu Bakr, both ‘Umar, and ‘Uthman, and ‘Ali would be both Caliphs and martyrs, this verse displays a flash of miraculousness.

Secondly: The truth of Divine unity, which these most elevated, most true and rightly-guided four classes of mankind have taught with all their strength since the time of Adam, with innumerable

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